Relevant conversation with Elyse:
gorillayordreams (3:26:56 AM): haha wow we're on so late
christasausage (3:27:06 AM): indeed
christasausage (3:27:14 AM): it is a late night for me
gorillayordreams (3:27:20 AM): why?
christasausage (3:27:29 AM): i was out with friends
christasausage (3:27:39 AM): enjoying the christmas eve eve
gorillayordreams (3:27:43 AM): oh nice
gorillayordreams (3:27:53 AM): have a good imte?
christasausage (3:28:03 AM): it was very fun
christasausage (3:28:10 AM): why are you up so late?
gorillayordreams (3:28:18 AM): ah just cant sleep
gorillayordreams (3:28:27 AM): finals messed up my sleep cycle good
gorillayordreams (3:28:42 AM): So Brandon is gone
christasausage (3:29:07 AM): yes
christasausage (3:29:11 AM): that happened :-(
gorillayordreams (3:29:14 AM): yeah
gorillayordreams (3:29:21 AM): So I dunno what your thoughts are
gorillayordreams (3:29:27 AM): But here is what I am thinking
gorillayordreams (3:29:36 AM): Miki and Candice have been epicly shady
gorillayordreams (3:29:59 AM): like, I dunno if you heard about tihs but she proposed a you me her Alex Skupin final five
gorillayordreams (3:30:04 AM): but its like
gorillayordreams (3:30:06 AM): Come on
gorillayordreams (3:30:17 AM): We all know theres no way youre ever voting Candice
christasausage (3:30:21 AM): ueaj
christasausage (3:30:22 AM): yeah
christasausage (3:30:25 AM): seriously
christasausage (3:30:34 AM): they are looking for any angle
gorillayordreams (3:30:37 AM): plus I heard they asked you for a girls alliance
gorillayordreams (3:30:42 AM): lmao but not me
christasausage (3:30:46 AM): lol
christasausage (3:30:47 AM): they did
christasausage (3:31:08 AM): but they forgot you were female apparently...
gorillayordreams (3:31:12 AM): I guess lmao
gorillayordreams (3:31:35 AM): But yeah I think they will just say anything
gorillayordreams (3:31:39 AM): and we need to break them up
gorillayordreams (3:31:48 AM): brandon left so his box is out
christasausage (3:31:51 AM): i still want them out as the next two
gorillayordreams (3:32:01 AM): Candice says her reward is a hook which gives her a challenge help
gorillayordreams (3:32:08 AM): so she might get Immunity next unless we go hard
gorillayordreams (3:32:18 AM): then we boot Mikayla
christasausage (3:32:32 AM): that works well
gorillayordreams (3:32:34 AM): but at final five I dunno what your plan is
gorillayordreams (3:32:43 AM): Skupin and Alex will prob want to boot John
christasausage (3:32:57 AM): i think we might want skupin sooner rather than later
gorillayordreams (3:32:59 AM): But I think Skupin and Alex are way too tight
gorillayordreams (3:33:02 AM): yeah
gorillayordreams (3:33:05 AM): Thats what Im thinking too
gorillayordreams (3:33:12 AM): If we boot Skupin at five
gorillayordreams (3:33:24 AM): then either John or Alex at four
gorillayordreams (3:33:31 AM): then HOPEFULLY it will be a final three
christasausage (3:33:35 AM): lol
christasausage (3:33:40 AM): i dont think it will be
christasausage (3:33:46 AM): jury started at 11
gorillayordreams (3:33:52 AM): yeah it might not
gorillayordreams (3:34:00 AM): with these hosts though Im not sure
christasausage (3:34:13 AM): yeah they are just crazy
gorillayordreams (3:34:52 AM): But if it is a final three then really it all comes down to the final challenge
gorillayordreams (3:35:07 AM): And I dunno who would be there with us cause it would either be John or Alex
gorillayordreams (3:35:16 AM): And Alex might go super rage at us for voting Skupin out
gorillayordreams (3:35:26 AM): but I know you wanted him in the three
christasausage (3:35:27 AM): that would be the concern
gorillayordreams (3:35:28 AM): so i dunno
christasausage (3:35:31 AM): because he's never do it
gorillayordreams (3:35:40 AM): yeah
gorillayordreams (3:35:48 AM): well exactly and Skupin would beat anybody
christasausage (3:35:49 AM): ive been thinking about it
christasausage (3:35:55 AM): i trust alex
christasausage (3:36:05 AM): but i think john is safer to take to 3
gorillayordreams (3:36:12 AM): yeah cause he wont win
christasausage (3:36:14 AM): he's not any kind of threat
gorillayordreams (3:36:46 AM): lmao well if you win you should take me
gorillayordreams (3:36:51 AM): I will prob lose at a jury
gorillayordreams (3:37:15 AM): Skupin will be PISSEd and Judd thinks Im an idiot
christasausage (3:37:31 AM): judd thinks everyone is an idiot
gorillayordreams (3:37:36 AM): lmao
christasausage (3:37:38 AM): lol
christasausage (3:38:25 AM): we can make an official F2 deal
christasausage (3:38:37 AM): you are the person i want to keep around the most :-)
gorillayordreams (3:38:46 AM): Haha well you are the person I want around most too
gorillayordreams (3:39:12 AM): I think you are a strong smart player and if you are ever gone i will be left with all the crazies
christasausage (3:39:21 AM): lol
christasausage (3:39:40 AM): im trying hard to remain sane around all of these people
gorillayordreams (3:39:46 AM): lmao
gorillayordreams (3:39:52 AM): Well with Brandon out a lot of craziness is gone
christasausage (3:39:56 AM): lol
christasausage (3:39:59 AM): thats very true
christasausage (3:41:11 AM): i really hope there was only one idol
christasausage (3:41:16 AM): i dont want more surprises
gorillayordreams (3:41:17 AM): lmao
gorillayordreams (3:41:22 AM): Brandon told me he had one
gorillayordreams (3:41:30 AM): but that he thinks it was prob a fake
christasausage (3:41:44 AM): well i guess whatever is was is gone now
gorillayordreams (3:41:52 AM): my thought is that there was prob a second one in the box that he had
christasausage (3:42:05 AM): yeah that sounds likely
christasausage (3:42:12 AM): im so upset about my box
christasausage (3:42:17 AM): i got a box AND a key
christasausage (3:42:20 AM): and got nothing...
gorillayordreams (3:42:45 AM): ew
gorillayordreams (3:42:50 AM): Ive decided to eat my key.
christasausage (3:42:56 AM): lmao
gorillayordreams (3:42:57 AM): since I cant use it.
gorillayordreams (3:43:02 AM): maybe it will give me challenge help
christasausage (3:43:59 AM): lol
christasausage (3:44:12 AM): some keys have special powers when yo eat them
gorillayordreams (3:44:20 AM): yep! Like in PacMan
christasausage (3:45:30 AM): yay!
gorillayordreams (3:47:16 AM): lmao
gorillayordreams (3:47:23 AM): Ill probably get rust poisoning
christasausage (3:48:04 AM): that doesnt sound advantageous for a challenge
gorillayordreams (3:48:30 AM): lmao
christasausage (3:49:14 AM): i think i really gotta get to bed now
christasausage (3:49:22 AM): so we'll chat soon
gorillayordreams (3:49:23 AM): kk
gorillayordreams (3:49:25 AM): night!
gorillayordreams (3:49:31 AM): I will talk to you soon! :-D
christasausage (3:49:32 AM): goodnight!
christasausage (3:49:36 AM): :-)
I'm not sure I'm going along with Elyse 100%. I want her around because without Brandon, I think I'm her #1. Especially since Alex and Mike are so close.
At this point, I might be a bit confused and scared... After Miki and Candice leave, I just don't know what to do!