Hi Colbster!! yeah Im sorry we never got to hang out cause you seem cool.
Tell me more about yourself and tell me what you did each round in this game. Explain what your biggest move each round was and whom you talked to, make alliances with and what your strategy was in every round. Please be thorough with this as I have no idea what your gameplay was like so you can entertain me with a narrative story.[/color]
oh wow, okay. I will try to make it special for you.
~ The Elyse Chronickles ~
chapter 1
Once upon atime, there was a girl named Elyse. she decided one day to play Survivor cause her friend brett was hosting. and so was Lex.
at the start of the game she talked to alot of people like Bob, Miki, Natalie and judd. Her strategy was to make a alliance early and stick to it. She liked Judd best and made a final two with him. So she was real happy when he won the first challenge and to be team captain. but she was a bit sketch about him cause he picked Brandon first instead of her and suddenly started to talk about wanting final three and not two, which scared Elyse. She talkd a bit more to other people on her new team like Nat and alex and Skupin but she was kinda not sure about him because obv he had been working with Jenna in the challenge. But they won Immunity so yay!
chapter 2
Elyses alliance got into trouble because they lost and it got told the judd had been saying to the other team theyd vote Parv instead of Osten. skupin demanded to vote Osten but Brandon and Judd talkeda bout saving him and there was alot of mistrust because of whatd been said - esp because now proof that both Skupin and Judd had def been talking to other tribe ppl. after Osten went it got worse, cause he turnd out to have a final two with Osten. also Elyse talked alot to Alex and liked him, and talked to Skupin some more.
chapter 3
Parvati died. thats it.
chpater 4
there was a double TC. Elyse was worried cause her original strategy looked like itwas gonna get her in trouble later on so she strated to look for other plans and talked to alex about workign together. at TC they voted for nat because she was also dead. Elyse also went looking for the idol and found a patch of dirt but it was gone so she wondred who had it.
chapter 5
There was a tribeswap and Elyse wound up ona team with Skupin and Alex and ash and Jenna and Miki. she talked to Miki and Jenna and liked them alot, and Skupin and Alex also asked her to make a official alliance with them. they named the team Lifou which is a island. Elyse wondered about Skupin cause shed thought he and Jenna had a deal earlier but didnt know. in order to get the girls to turn on eachother Elyse made them a deal that if theyd vote for Ash for being lazy she would vote one of the boys, but she also told the boys about that, so that the boys wouldnt think she was disloyal. When talkign to Judd about this Judd said that he could prob get Jenna to vote how he wanted. Ash didnt do the challenge and luckily the other girls were willing to vote her.
chapter 6
Lifou lost again which was sad, and miki and Jenna were super sketch about the vote and wouldnt choose a target and stuff so elyse knew they were def lying to her, and stuck with her Mahtavas to vote off jenna, because the boys thought she was prob in a alliance with Judd and they didnt want him to have all the power.
chapter 7
There was another tribe switch (yaaay!) and Elyse asked brandon to pick her, because she kept getting voted for at TC and didnt want to get screwed by miki. she also talked with Christa and made her feel welcom so she wouldnt go back to Calua. Christa offred Elyse a final three with her and Alex but Elyse said shed rather be with John. Sadly Judd put on Lifou. there wasnt much strategy on Midori, just everybody knowing that if they lost Ibe was probly toast. Elyse talked more to alex and brandon and stuff. Skupin was on the other team but talked to her and revealed that he had alot of connections with the Caluas which totally sketched Elyse out and made her wonder about his loyalties. poor judd was screwed.
chapter 8
Lifou lost again and Skupin was in alot of trouble cause of his conflicting allies on the team. he told Elyse he thought hed be in trouble cause of being mahtava and he was now willing to get rid of his Calua people, and it became a tie between Candice and Colby and Colby went home.
chapter 9
It was a merge! Everybody was happy and they named the team Kendis Smokca which is about a mountain of fire. it was also Christmas so Elyse was gone on holidays and didnt get back until late, so she did no strategy and voted Ibe cause its what the team wanted.
Chatper 10
Knowing that there was alot of trouble giong on Elyse solidifed her alliance with Skupin and Alex and Christa, and they agreed to vote out miki for being head of the Caluas. at the auction there was alot of stuff that got won, and Miki was set to go home. Elyse suggested if they should split the vote incase of idols but nobody wanted to figure out all the diffrent votes and stuff so when she pulled the idol Brandon went.
Chapter 11
it was basicly supposed to be the exact same as last round. Candice had a challenge advantage and Elyse told her she shoudl use it, so she did, but Alex won anyway. then at the last minute Candice and Miki tried to get Elyse to turn on skupin and vote him by saying Alex was flipping but Elyse said no so then they tried to get skupin and Alex to vote Elyse, so Elyse was happy and relieved that Miki went isntead.
chapter 12
Candice was suppose to go and Elyse wanted to vote her caues she was mad about getting targetted but Alex and Skupin wanted to keep the game from being predictable and wanted to go for John. Elyse refused to do it becaues it was stupid, and told them outright she wuold not do it. Skupin agreed that it was stupid and promised to vote Candice. Christa also lied to Elyse and said she would force a tie but both of them didnt and John went home.
Chapter 13
Elyse was incredibly mad at everybody for voting off John. Christa admitted shed lied to Elyse and alex said he would of told her but he was too busy. So Elyse and Candice talked and patched things up and the two of them agred that the others were snakey and needed to go. so originally they werent sure who to target but then Alex told Candcie that he and Christa would blindside Skupin and so Elyse and Candice and Skupin blindsided Alex instead to keep him and christa from having control.
chapter 14
Elyse and Candice werent sure what to do next. they thought about maybe voting off Christa or just forcing a tie and letting her and skupin fight it out, but whatever happend they knew they would not vote each other. Skupin of course voted Christa because shed voted for him, and Candice chose to vote Skupin, but Elyse did not like being lied to so she voted Christa and since Christa voted Candice she went home.
chapter 15
both Candice and Skupin had promised to take Elyse if they won, so she could of just thrown the last challenge but throwing is for losers so she didnt. instead she tried but messed up, and Skupin won and took her for being so loyal.
Then there was a jury and everybody asked alot of questions, but they all knew Elyse was awesome and kicked butt so they voted for her to win and they all lived happily ever after. Yay!
..at least that's how I hope it would end. lol
Alright hope that helps, Colby. Theres a lottt of stuff that happened but I think thats the most of it, and that it shows that I have def been playing a good game for the whole way and should get your vote. Let me know if theres stuff thats too confusing or whatever, cause I know Im not great at typing. lol